The Story of a Confident Street Singer

One day, there was a street singer standing up in front of the neighbor’s house. While he was playing his guitar, he sang an old song with the title “Renungkanlah” from M. Mashabi convidently.

“Rasa cinta……..” (a sense of love…)

In the middle of the song, suddenly the owner of the house got out of the house, and he shouted loudly:

“Maaf Mas, orangnya nggak ada!”. (Sorry, Guy, the owner of the house is not there!)

Without caring about that shout, the street singer continued his singing:

“Pasti ada…” (There must have been…)

Finally, the owner of the house felt annoyed and closed the door loudly again. Witnessing the behavior of the homeowner and the street singer, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Image Source: Harian Merapi

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